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Welcome to SmartGuest – where innovation meets hospitality excellence. We're dedicated to revolutionizing the guest experience for hotels and restaurants. With our deep expertise and industry insights, we're paving the way for a new era of professional, high-quality service.

What is SmartGuest?

Top-quality hotels and restaurants use SmartGuest to show the world who they are. But more importantly, connect to their customers on a whole new level...

Have an entire gallery of exciting imagery to show off your hospitality provider

With many different features like reviews, specials, icons, buttons and more! You can easily and seamlessly engage with your customers online

Design bespoke menus for your restaurant or food services, featuring an integrated phone system for seamless bookings and inquiries, ensuring your customers get precisely what they're looking for from your hospitality provider.

Hotel Room

How much does it cost?

We supply SmartGuest through a subscription-based model. Depending on how many rooms you have in your hotel or the customers you serve in your restaurant. This means that no matter how big or small you are as a hospitality provider, we can provide a digital solution that allows seamless integration at a competitive price.

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Personalise your platform through SmartGuest with customisable buttons and layout settings

Interact with your customers through broadcasting messages or direct conversations

Get clients to your location more efficiently with SmartGuest´s location viewer - just search and find!

Showcase your unique hospitality provider with a built-in QR code reader

Create check in keys and booking confirmations with ease!

Create specials for your customers to interact with so they never miss a beat

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